GlobalHost is a technology company, but our real product is customer service. We measure our response time in seconds and our success in happy customers. With our Super Platinum account, we're the only company that guarantees 7 minute customer service responses - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sign up today to experience the GlobaHost difference.
It isn't just our response times that are amazing. Our customer service is exceptional. Below are some common questions and answers from our customers. Read on to see why you should choose GlobalHost website hosting and business telecom.
Technical Support
I can't get my current hosting company on the phone after business hours and on weekends. What if I have a technical question at 3:19 AM in the morning?
We're on the phone by 3:26 AM, helping you.
I've heard 'we don't support that' from my host. Will I hear that from you?
We know how important the success of your site is to you. We will do everything within our power to support you in achieving that success. We have yet to find a problem we can't solve.
I've requested my current host to do things like set up a new email account, and my request was simply ignored. How hard is it to do things like change an email password at GlobalHost?
Our site control panel makes it easy to do routine management of your site. You should be able to complete most tasks yourself, but if you need a little help we're always here for you. Sign up now.
Web Hosting
I know how important web stats can be. How much will stats cost me?
Webalizer, a complete traffic analysis tool, is available to all of our clients at no charge. We'll set it up for you, and its intuitive interface will enable you to extract meaningful information from your site traffic.
Domain Names
I've already registered a domain name. What does it cost to transfer it to you?
GlobalHost handles the repointing of your domain name for free. You don't need to do anything, just sign upand let us know what you want.
I'm wary of web hosts that have one "cheap" fee for hosting and then charge exorbitant fees for things like domain name registration. How much does domain name registration cost at GlobalHost?
We register your '.com' for just $19 per year. Compare that to the Network Solutions price of $35 per year.
I have a site and I'm ready to sell on the web, but I don't know where to begin. Can you help me?
Ecommerce can be daunting, but our support makes it easy. There are many elements to ecommerce, and we help you through each step of integrating ecommerce into your site. Open a hosting account and we'll get you up and running quckly.
I have a custom ecommerce setup, but my web host is letting me down. Can you help me?
Yes. We support just about any ecommerce software package, so you can smoothly transfer your ecommerce operation to our servers.
Email Accounts
I travel often, and when I do I can't access my domain email. How hard is it to access my email on the road?
If you can get to a computer, you can access your email. You don't need to struggle with someone else's Outlook Express settings, you can log into your mail using your web browser from any computer in the world.Sign up for access to your web mail account.
More Questions
I have a question that's not answered here. How do I get it answered?
We invite you to view our FAQ.